Travel ’19

Hey guys

So, apparently I can write things that are more than just life updates.. apparently this year is the year of trips.. starting in June so I’m going to be stone broke for the second half of the year!

I am currently studying for exams that I have to do for work (which always inspires me to write) but I decided a break was needed to write about all my exciting plans!

Exciting plan 1: I have a couple of concerts planned for the summer.. well I have planned to go to them, not actually planned them. I am going to see P!nk in June with my aunt in Dublin. I am beyond excited! I have wanted to see her forever and myself and my aunt managed to get tickets to the Golden Circle which is kinda like the mosh pit from what I can understand! Myself and my aunt are also going to see Westlife in Dublin in June with my Mum and my little sister (she’s 18 but still my little sister). I have also always wanted to go see Westlife, my mum and my aunt always used to go see them in Dublin so it will be really nice to go with my sister.

Exciting plan 2: This plan was thought of and flights were booked within the space of a week. It was one of my best friends birthday’s yesterday and she has been having a tough run of things recently so myself and one of our other friends, booked a trip to Liverpool for the three of us for 2 nights at the start of August. I am going to tell my friend whose birthday it was tomorrow and we’re not going to tell her that friend number 3 is coming too until we are in the airport! I am so excited about this! My friend is always there for me so it’ll be so much fun to do something like this for her. We also have absolutely nothing else booked or organised so if you have any suggestions of places to stay/ things to do while in Liverpool, please let me know!

Exciting plan 3: So apparently I’m not going to be able to afford to eat for the month of August because I am also jetting off to Split in Croatia for a week with one of my main G’s at the end of August! I haven’t been to Croatia in 11 years when I went with my Mum and my aunt (yes, the same two who I am going bopping out to Westlife with). We are planning on taking it easy and just enjoying the time that we spend there. We will do the islands, especially Hvar and are thinking of renting a car and driving to Dubrovnik and spending a night there too. Again, any advice would be much appreciated!

Exciting plan 4: NEW YORK BABY! For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to go to NYC and this December the dream is coming true! I have days booked off work in the first week of December so we plan on going then. We don’t have flights booked just yet but I am so beyond excited to go! We want to do EVERYTHING. For the third time, any advice is much appreciated.

Writing this post has reminded me so much of how much I enjoy writing and getting everything out. Hopefully after these exams, I’ll get back to writing more often, I have plenty of plans this time round to get out anyway!

As always, thanks for reading

Love always ❤



Here’s to another update

A few weeks ago I met with a friend of mine who I hadn’t seen in a long time and she asked me how life was going. I told her “I love my job, I love where I live and if I could  just get *insert ex’s name here* to get his shit together, life would be just where I want it to be.” Well, the universe has a great sense of humor because when I arrived home from work the following day, my housemate told me that the house was being put on the market. During the week this week, I came home to a for sale sign outside my door. At least I’m not waiting for my ex to get his shit together anymore.

House update:

Currently looking for something in the same area that I currently live in. Myself and my best friends boyfriend (he’s like a brother to me) are planning on getting a place together. It’s not all that easy finding somewhere but we are looking anyway and trying to remain positive that it will all work out..

Work update:

I quit my job in October, and got a new one. I am now working for a bank and I absolutely love it. I went from working in an office by myself to being in a branch with a multitude of coworkers a dealing with a lot of customers. It is a total change of pace and I am constantly exhausted by it but it is much more me. I am also going to have to go back to studying as I need to complete some bank exams which is kinda stressing me out as I was a shite student but I’m hoping it will all go better this time.

Love update:

I am still very single (and very fed up of all the Valentines Day advertising currently going on). I am now over my ex, 7 months later. I tried moving on with someone else and ended up having a panic attack so that one obviously went well. A few weeks later, I met a friend of a friend and we seemed to click. He was the first guy I’d kissed sober since the breakup and it seemed to be promising.. That being said, I haven’t heard from him in over a week so I’m not going to hold my breath.. Why are boys stupid heads?!

Travel update:

Myself and one of my best friends have decided that 2019 is going to be our year for traveling. We have booked a week in Split in Croatia in September and we are planning a trip to New York in December.. Who knows, this blog might actually go back to having some travel content, EARTH SHATTERING. I also want to plan a solo travel trip. I watched Eat, Pray, Love for the first time last night and really enjoyed it. It made me want to pack in everything and go travel.. I can’t really afford to pack i  everything but I can do a weekend here and there. I’m thinking Italy, or France.. Suggestions?

I don’t think I have any more news to update you on but it felt so nice to write again (my keyboard is now all greasy because I had a pizza while writing..)

As always, thanks for reading,

Love, Kathy ❤



3 months on.. What now?

Hi Guys,

Last time I wrote,I was a bit heartbroken. This time around I still am. I’m attempting to successfully adult and damn it’s hard.

I said I’d write, writing usually helps me sort out my thoughts, if anyone wants to give me advice on how to sort oft my life, it’d be much appreciated!

My first issue of sorts is my job. I am finishing up at the end of December and I don’t know where to go from there. I have started looking into other jobs but I don’t know what I want to do. I amn’t willing to give up my weekends off and the one job that I have applied for would require me to work weekends and possible 12 hour shifts.

My second issue is my house. As you will know if you have read previous posts, I moved house back in February and I moved into the house I live in now. I love this house. It is in such an ideal location and suits me and my life really well. The only problem: It is being sold. My landlords are putting the house up for sale so I will have to move when the house is sold and at the moment, rent is very high and decent places to live are few and far between.

My heart is my third problem. Well my heartbrokeness  to be more exact. In my last post I wrote about being hurt, heartbroken and wanting to heal. I am still hurt, heartbroken but I’m not healing. I knew when we broke up that it would take me a long time to get over this guy. I didn’t expect to still feel this shitty after 3 months though. I feel like I’m missing a limb. I go to work, I see my friends, I eat, I sleep, I keep on living but all the time I feel like there is this man shaped hole in my life. My friends have told me to give it time, that I will get there and I will be fine. I want to believe them but I have been in love with him for longer than we were together. He is still my first thought in the morning and last thought at night. Every time I walk into my driveway, I look over my shoulder to see if his car is where it was usually parked. My heart skips a beat every time I see a car that could possibly be his.

The combination of these things has me wondering, do I stay in Cork or to I run away to the other side of the world? I have been thinking of applying for a working holiday visa and going to Australia for a year, or two. I was talking to a friend of mine about it and when I told her I felt like something was drawing me there, she joked and tole me there might be a man there for me. Who knows.

My life is a bit up in a heap at the moment. I know I miss my man more than anything, I know my house is going to be sold and I know I need to start making decisions. Where is the reset button on adulthood?

Talk soon

Thanks for reading,

Love always

Kathy xx

Bad anxiety weeks and birth control.

Hey Guys,

Ok, so December has just been a blur, I can’t believe that in two days it is going to be 2018. I started 2017 thinking that I was going to make it my year and spend the first 6 months in a really bad place. Then I spent 3 of the best months I have had in a long time living with my Grandparents and working a job I really liked.  Once I finished with that I had some time back at home where I felt lost, I didn’t know what I was going to do and felt hopeless as I wasn’t getting any of the jobs I applied for. Then it all seemed to go my way, I got given a chance and it set me up. I moved out of home and I’ve started to live the life I feel fits right for me.

Since moving out, things haven’t been all fine and dandy. In general I have loved it but a couple of weeks in, I had a bad anxiety week. I had a week where no matter what, I couldn’t cheer myself up. I was sluggish, I had no motivation and I cried at EVERYTHING. On the Sunday evening, my parents dropped me back into my house after being back at home for the weekend, I went up to my bedroom and BURST into tears. I had no reason to be crying and I knew that as I sat there sobbing to myself.. Another instance during the week, the guy I was seeing left to go home and as I closed the door behind him I again, burst into tears and again, it was for no reason.

Guys, don’t tune out, keep reading because I’m fairly sure I’m not the only chick who’s ended up in this situation. I started taking birth control pills in January or February last year when I was in a sort of relationship and this girl is not ready for a baby so I was looking out for myself. I hated it for the first month because I was a hormonal, nasty bitch and that isn’t who I am. I started getting on alright with it so kept taking it. It got to the stage after the summer when I didn’t need to be taking it anymore, in addition to me being absolutely dismal at taking it and forgetting days towards the end.  Anyway, when I started seeing the aforementioned guy, I decided to start taking it, I had a months supply left over.

I found it interesting that my bad anxiety week coincided with the week I went back on the pill. In woke up one morning and looked at my pills and it was like a light-bulb going off in my brain, I put my extreme emotions down to the hormone differences I had been putting into my body. Stopping suddenly had its own challenges as my body was a bot confused but all seems to be going well.. 😛 I just thought it was worth mentioning just in case anyone else has experienced something similar and is unsure of why, this is my understanding… I should point out at this point I am not a doctor nor have any medical training 😛

Ok enough of the heavy stuff, it is currently 1.15am and I need to sleep! I’ll be on again in a few days to write again (seriously can’t spell that word tonight!!)

Belated Happy Christmas to all those who celebrate it.

Thanks for reading,

Love always,

Kathy ❤

This post was also written while listing to Defying Gravity, originally from the musical Wicked but this version is by the extremely talented Lea Michele in Glee.

Growing up and adulting

Hey guys,

Been a while.. I am actually blown away with the amount of attention my blog has gotten in recent weeks. I haven’t been writing but my views are us so thank you to everyone who stops here for a read 🙂

So my life has been insane for the last few weeks. As some of you might know, I have been looking for a job. I had reached a point where I just really needed something so I decided that it was time to apply for any job to keep me going until the job I wanted came along. Which brings me to one Thursday a couple of weeks ago when I decided to go into Cork city and paper the city with my CV’s. As soon as I got home from this, I got a call from a recruitment agency asking if they could talk to me about a customer service role within a call center. It wasn’t the job I wanted but it was still something that sounded somewhat interesting. Following that phone call, I had an interview the following week. A little while later, I got another phone call from a clothes shop asking if I could come in the following day for another interview. Of course I was delighted at the prospect of having two potential jobs. As I was going out the door that Thursday, I got a call from a Hotel in Killarney asking me to come into them for yet another interview. As you can imagine, at this stage I was a bit stressed about all the interviews. Fast forward a few days and following a couple of disappointing interviews, I had the one for the call center, half an hour after that I was offered a job asking me to start the following day. I immediately accepted and was over the moon! When I got home that evening, I received a phone call from the manager of a company who I had handed my CV into for a totally different role. She was impressed by my CV and asked me to come in the following evening for an interview.

So to try straighten out the timeline and the days, on Wednesday, I had the interview for the call center, got the job and received a phone call for the other position. The job I had been rung about was me summed up. On Thursday, I had my first day of training in the call center and after work went straight to the other place for my interview. On Friday, I got a phonecall during my lunch asking me if I wanted the job I had interviewed for the evening before. I accepted it and now work there.

The company I work for are suppliers of hair and beauty products to salons and individuals all throughout the country. I am more or less a PA and I love my job!!! In addition to getting my new job, I also have a new house!! Finally growing up! This weekend is my moving weekend, which explains why I am sitting in bed at 14.20 writing this blog.. I am moving into a shared house in Cork City, literally 5 mins away from my job.

I am so terrified to move out and so excited at the same time. I get on well with my family most of the time but there are members of my family I get on better with from a distance.. This is something I need to do for me. I’m not expecting it to be easy and I know I will probably have a meltdown when my Mum drops me off but this is me, growing up and starting to live my own life! I can’t wait to start shopping for my new house.. Someone is going to need to keep me out of Home Sense 🙂

Anyway, I know this might not be the most interesting post.. I have a cold and am feeling kinda miserable..  Now that I’m going to have more routine back in my life, I hope to write more and to be more interesting 😛

Thanks for reading,


Kathy ❤

Staying active is key

OK, so apparently I’m really good at writing posts a month apart. I haven’t written sooner  because there has been nothing exciting happening in my life for the last month. Brief update, I finished my contract for the summer on the 18th of August and have been looking for jobs since. People keep asking me hoe the job hunt is going, my answer, it’s killing me slowly.. I have never been the most patient of people and  I like to be doing something, otherwise I get cabin fever..  So in my attempt to combat this, I have started to be active.

So I don’t want to mislead you with the title of this post, I am absolutely no expert when it comes to exercise.. But I’m gonna pretend I know what I’m talking about.. OK?!? 😛 So since moving back home, I don’t leave the house all too much because there is actually very little to do around here. One thing I have starter though, is rowing. I don’t know if I mentioned this in my last post, probably not but I’m not gonna check till after I’m done writing 🙂 I started rowing when I was 16 and not to sound up my own ass, I was good at it. I ended up stopping because life did what it does and got in the way. I am far from a jock and tend to be really bad at team sports, especially ones that involve balls.. I even managed to give myself a black-eye playing badminton. For a few years I went through phases of going to the gym and running but to be 100% honest (because that is exactly what this blog is about) I haven’t been in as good shape since I was 16 and this girl wants that figure back!

When I moved home after my summer of adventures, my sister decided that she wanted to start rowing so I said I’d go too for emotional support. There are times when I’m dragged kicking and screaming (not literally, I’m not 5) out of the house and there are times when I am the only one out of the three of us (We also have a Spanish student living with us who has started rowing too) who get their ass out of bed and put myself through two hours of pure torture.. I have found that the exercise has helped me. I might not be showing any signs of toning up and what-not but I know I will. I enjoy going to the gym and pushing myself and my sister. (she loves it…) On the days when I’m not rowing, there is a walk along the lake where I row that is almost 6 km long that I like to do with my mum. I have always been close to her but I think the walk gives us something to do together which is nice. Last weekend I did the walk along with my mum and best friend and my mum told us the story of her and my dads relationship, from the very start. Yeah I’d heard it before but in bits, it was really special to hear it from start to finish.

Ok, I think I have babbled on for long enough.

Will write again soon (with actual interesting content…)

Thanks for reading,

Love always, Kathy ❤

NRC sunsetGreenway

Life Update : 3 weeks on

Hi Guys,

I was so much better at updating before I moved to Kerry… But I’m back home now for the time being so here’s to more posts, with more interesting content than what has been happening in my life…

So, I am home. Back with my family after spending the most amazing summer working with the most INCREDIBLE group of people. I turned 21 a week before I finished there, turning 21 is a big thing in Ireland, I’m not so sure about the rest of the world though.. On the morning of my birthday, we had a staff meeting,  the usual stuff, I hadn’t had enough coffee yet so I was all picture no sound, when out of one of the offices came one of my managers, with a cake and 21 birthday candles. The entire place started singing me happy birthday. I genuinely nearly died of embarrassment!! It was one of the nicest things that could have happened me that day, I was away from my family and feeling a little bit lonely and that made my day. In addition to getting me a cake (with my name on it for the first time EVER), they all chipped in and bought me two beautiful Pandora charms for my bracelet that my parents bought me for my 18th. I still don’t have the words to describe how much it meant.

Birthday at work

Since I have decided not to go back to college in September to finish my degree, once I finished my contract, I am looking for a job. People keep telling me that the world is my oyster, I know it is but it can be hard to believe it sometimes. If you have followed my blog for a while, you will have gathered that my mental health can be questionable at times and waking up on Monday morning knowing I didn’t have a job to go to was incredibly tough. I am the type of person who loves to be working, I am well able to relax when I have my time off and I really do enjoy my nights out but I like work. I think it is the routine that suits me. While in Kerry, my Grandad would wake me up at 7.15 every morning, telling me it was 7.30.. I’d then get up around 7.45, get myself ready and go to work for the day. My evenings could be spent on the beach, hanging out with my grandparents, hanging out with my aunt and cousins or cuddling the dogs on the couch.. It depended on the evening. My existence for the last 3 months may seem like  a quiet one but it has suited me down to the ground.

I have applied for a number of jobs over the last few weeks and there is one in particular I really want, based in Belfast and doing something I think I’d excel at. If you believe in God, send me your prayers, if not, any good luck wishes would be much appreciated as I try to figure out where I go next.

I promise my next post will be more exciting!

Thanks for reading,

Love always,

Kathy ❤

Life update

Hey guys,

By my clock, its been exactly 30 days since I wrote. I have meant to sit down and write so many times and have realized for once, I don’t have some drama or struggle to document. I am having the best summer I have had in years, completely different to previous years and yet the most liberating. I haven’t felt so much myself in a very long time.

This time last year, I was suffering big time with my mental health, I was in a bad relationship, was going through some family stuff and was attempting to study for my repeats, all while on a family holiday in West Cork. This year, I am writing this from my bed, snapchatting videos of myself singing and dancing to one of my best friends (Yes, I’m talking about you Mairtin), despite the fact I need to get up in 7 and a half hours for work..

Getting away from my life is exactly what I needed to do to see what I want to do with it.. I still have absolutely no idea what I want to be when I grow up, or where I’ll be living in a months time, but this time, it doesn’t scare the beejsus out of me, I am terrified, but its an excited terrified.

This evening I came in from work and sat down on the couch with the dog curled up on top of me, when my Gran suggested we went out to the beach with the dogs. As soon as we got there, it started to rain. She went for a paddle in the sea while I took the two dogs up the beach. When I was walking, I realized I was walking away from the rain and towards the sun on the beach. It reminded me of the song Chasing the Sun by The Wanted. It was myself and my friend Ciara’s anthem of the summer yearsss ago and I threw it on on Spotify. This resulted in my singing and dancing my way back down the beach, looking like a crazy person and being totally in my element!!

This lighthearted person who isn’t afraid to look like an eejit is who I am and due various reasons, I lost sight of that… But  I’M BACK BABYYYY.

Thanks for reading,

Love always,

Kathy ❤


My happy place

Hey guys,

Ok… So my life may or may not have done a total 180 since my last post. I have been meaning to write for weeks and before this weekend, this post would have gone an entirely different direction.

So I started a new job in Tralee, Co. Kerry, about an hour and a half away from where I live with my family. Due to the new job I moved in with my Grandparents who live in Tralee. It has been so much fun living here. As some of you may know from my previous posts, my mental health can fluctuate.. A lot. Recently it hadn’t been good. I had a lot going on between finishing exams, work, changing job and moving out. I was very stressed out and had one MAJOR meltdown.. My eyes were swollen going to work the following day (classy right?).

Since moving to Kerry, I have stared to come back to being myself. I am relaxed. I am in good form. I am sleeping (when not writing blog posts at 11 pm). I am eating healthy and loosing weight (that said I just finished a bag of mini chocolate eggs… :P). I feel more myself now than I have in a long time.

My grandparents are great! They are actually the most adorable couple in the strangest of ways. My Grandad is 86 and my Granny is 76. There is 10 years and 4 months between them. Age really is just a number 🙂 My Grandad is very deaf, which is a shame because he really likes to  be in the middle of things. He uses a hearing aid so he is still able to have the craic and is great at telling me to pace myself when it comes to work 🙂

The other evening when I got home from work, my Granny suggested we go for a walk out on one of the beaches near us, I was all for it seeing as I had been wanting to go to the beach all day. I went for a walk with the 2 dogs and my Granny stayed sitting by the car. I walked in the water and took photos and I was completely in my element.

When I was younger, I used to spend my summer holidays in Kerry with my Grandparents, and then in a house with my family. Since I moved to Cork 8 years ago, I probably see my Grandparents more often but I didn’t get to spend the same amount of time with them. When I was younger, I always loved being down here and that really hasn’t changed.

I was so stressed out about the move down, my head was all over the place (whats new?), I had boy problems, I was stressing about starting the new job and I was stressing about college. Now I have no boy problems (well there are still some but I have chosen to ignore them until they can be fixed but who knows when that will be), I have started my new job and couldn’t ask for better people to work with. I have also decided that I am not going back to college in September and have just applied for a job in Sydney, Australia…

Knowing me, all these thing shoulf be making me freak out and stress out but no. I think being away from home for the summer is the best thing I could have done for myself. I am so happy I did it and excited to see what happens next. 😀

Ok write soon,

Thanks for reading,

Kathy xoxo


Sometimes you just need to get away

Hey guys,

So I had been on a good track of writing once a week but alas due to on thing and another I haven’t written in a few weeks. Today marks my 1 year anniversary of starting this blog. Where has all that time gone?

So, over the last few days there have been some pretty drastic changes to my life. I quit my job in the hotel where I worked. At long last. I loves the job I had but I began to despise the place where I had it. During my first week there,  two chefs  left along with two managers.  This immediately had alarm bells going off in my head and I remember saying it to my mum who encouraged me  to stick it out until I found something better. And I really did. On Monday, I start working in one of the biggest banks in Ireland for 10 weeks as a summer student. This is an amazing opportunity for me as I am studying Commerce so it is practical work experience in an industry that I might end up going into one day.

So due to getting this new job, I am also moving. I’m moving in with my Grandparents as they live near to where I will be working and I will be able to walk to and from work everyday. I haven’t spent a summer at home since I was 13 so the thought of the possibility of doing it this summer didn’t sit well with me.. at all.. especially with my Instagram feed being full of pictures of people on J1’s (In the USA on a student summer working visa) or on amazing trips to places like Thailand or Malaysia. As it is it’s still kinda depressing to be working for the summer but I will be surrounded by family who I am really looking forward to spending some quality time with.

Another big thing for my was passing my  theory test so I can FINALLY start learning how to drive 😀 In Ireland, you first need to do a test detailing the rules of the road and that kind of thing. You are given 40 questions out of a possible 900 (I think) and you need to get at least 35 right. You then need to do 12 driving lessons before you can attempt to do your driving test and be allowed drive by yourself. Basically its a money racket but alas I can’t do anything about it…

Some people may be wondering about the state of my love life after my last post. My answer is I don’t know what is happening. I went of to that going away party and I realized how much I was going to miss the guy who is moving to Dublin. I wanted to have a proper conversation with him but it wasn’t the time or the place to pour my heart out.. Add vodka to the mix and I would have ended up in floods of tears. What we did manage to talk about was him having a lot on his mind, me being one of those things. When I was going home, he kissed me and that was the last contact I’ve had with him. And I miss him.. A lot. Before I developed feelings for him, we were friends who spoke all day every day. There is a big difference between speaking all day everyday to having no contact at all and I miss my friend.

That being said, I had a lot on my mind so I took off for a few days. More like a week, When I quit my job in the hotel, I told myself that I would give myself 2 weeks off to just be able to catch up on missed sleep and have some time to myself before starting the new job. So last week, I went on an adventure 🙂 I went to visit two of my best friends who live in different parts of the country. I went to Monaghan first where I visited my friend Grace. Myself and Grace have been on many adventures together and I miss her when I don’t get to see her. When I went up, we took it easy and drank A LOT of wine… But sure when on holidays I might as well 😛Snapchat-2011600122

A few days later, I traveled back to Meath, back to my home town where I lived until I was 13. I stayed with another really good friend of mine there, Ciara. We have been friends since we began primary school. That was 16 years ago. It had been a long time since I had gotten the chance to spend proper time with her so we really enjoyed our few days. We went on an adventure into Dublin where Ciara introduced me to scrumdiddlys ice cream and an amazing cocktail bar in Rathmines called Copan, where all the cocktails are €5. It.was.awseome.


So I hoped you enjoyed this post, I felt guilty for not writing but I had no laptop with me on my  travels and it was nice to disconnect for a while. 🙂

Thanks for reading,

Love, Kathy ❤